Ten things not to do on LinkedIn

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You could think of LinkedIn as a huge database or a research tool for job seekers and business-developers. LinkedIn is definitely both. You could think of LinkedIn as an online public square where users can publish posters about themselves and their services.

You could also think of LinkedIn as a networking event goes online and continues forever. When you are thinking about your LinkedIn interactions in the context of a networking event live, you'll quickly see that there are certain network proposals are more educated than others!

You do not want to be seen as a networker or labeled rude, so be careful not to overstep the limits of courtesy LinkedIn. Here are ten things you should never do on LinkedIn:

Never send someone an invitation from the connection, and then when they join the network, they send a request that you present to someone they know. There is no better way to signal "You are only a means to my end!"

Never ask people beyond their dear friends to support your skills on LinkedIn (including writing to say "I supported your skills - now you endorse me").

Do not send someone an invitation from the connection, simply in order to write them a few days later to inquire about job opportunities in your company. They will tell you "Look at the website of the company." That could have been his first movement - or research organization to identify its human resources director in particular and send him or her a letter pain.

If you are a Business Development not send someone an invitation single connection intention to hit with a sales pitch when they join the network.

Do not use an InMail when you have a mutual connection and can ask each other person connecting for an introduction. What else are introductions for?
Please do not see the contact lists of first-degree connections' then email or call these people and say "Joe Schmoe know in common - we'll talk!" Why not ask Joe for an introduction, instead?

Do not invite people to connect with you in order to get your email address so you can add them to your list of newsletter subscribers.

When you're looking for work, wait until it reaches the end of the process before inviting people you know through job interviews to connect with you on LinkedIn. If you get the job, they will be your co-workers. If you do not get the job, you can send an e-mail message thanks fast once the recruitment process is completed. In that message you can ask "Can I send an invitation on LinkedIn?"

Do not assume that all members of its network of first grade is dying to become a reference source for you, too. Ask permission before sending their business messages in their inboxes LinkedIn.

Finally, remember that everyone is overloaded with information and overwhelmed. Everyone is task list is long. Not tax the kindness of strangers, almost-unknown business casual acquaintances, and you will maintain your reputation and pristine networks!

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