3 Ways The fashion conscious movement is raising its game with Millennials

By | 4:52:00 a.m. Leave a Comment
Millennials, oh so coveted by marketers, is the main driving force behind the go-green revolution. From food to consumer products companies must adopt the values ​​of sustainability, transparency and authenticity if they are to engage the next generation of buyers. But when it comes to clothes, consumers across all demographic groups still have to require sustainability and transparency scale - what gives?

The fashion conscious movement faces more complex challenges that the organic food movement, including an extreme lack of information on the supply chains of clothing. And unlike food, there is no explicit connection in the minds of consumers about clothing and health, or even people behind the clothes, including farmers, processors fiber, dyers, tanners, and factory workers.

Dara O'Rourke, founder of GoodGuide and the latest sustainability of the Amazon "dream team" adding, says that most people are still in a "pre-awareness phase" when it comes to ethical and sustainable fashion .

"Most people have no idea that their clothes are often coated with chemicals that can have a significant impact on human health and the environment," says O'Rourke in a recent report on the transformation of the garment industry Ashoka Foundation and C & A. "and it was only through the tragedy of Rana Square that many people do not even her clothes looked and asked 'where are they?"

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