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It is hard to believe that four years have passed since we met William leap day.
For the uninitiated, someone who is not a rock 30-Day Jump William superfan is the cornerstone of a leap year tradition, which used blue and yellow; It stands around and pretends to mourn so Leap Day William showers with sweets ( "Emerge every four years for tears kids trade for candy"); if you see someone not wearing yellow and blue, has the right to shout, "Meter eyes, pull your hair out, you forgot what to wear," and push and pull.

Jumping same day William has a complicated background. Part of Santa Claus, sea monster hand, appears as an old man twirling a mustache in the style of Mark Twain and use (of course) a blue suit with a wide-brimmed hat. It happens every day, plus leap day underwater (the "Marianas Trench"), and in the representation starring Jim Carrey as Dave "Leap Year" Williams and Andie MacDowell as his wife on 30 Rock, it seems to have grown gills.

Mostly, however, William leap day and leap day generally there to remind you to take risks. It's an excuse to follow their dreams. Or, as the characters in 30 Rock continue counting each other, nothing happens on leap day that really counts.
But where does this creation?

"Leap Day William threatened us," says 30 Rock co-creator Robert Carlock. "He made us do it."

Like many things on the Internet, Leap Day William has acquired a life of its own type of "Leap Day William" and see how AutoFills "is leap day real William," but the holiday and character are totally unique to the show . The idea came during shooting.

"We had been talking about leap day and all this mythology arrived, which we loved instantly. As woollie, another world opens up to you. You have all Shorthand, millennia of traditions, with many holidays, " he says. "It was as if we had a new Christmas completely intact."

And indeed, in the episode (season six, episode nine "leap year"), the party is obvious to all characters, each of whom, in their own way, have to find ways to spend this day extra. (One of the problems that Carlock remembers is how to explain why the show had ignored the previous day jump, which became a line on Tina Fey's character, Liz Lemon, being on a cruise.)

Liz has to decide whether to accept the indecent proposal her college-friend-turned-internet-millionaire (take the virginity of Thad for $ 20 million), Jack has that perfect balance between work life, Tracy has to swipe your card Benihana gift before the attacks clock March 1. And then, of course, is not the movie show-within-TV, which runs in the background.

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