It is leap day! Here are some interesting history behind

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It's Monday, 29 February 2016, and is leap day. What is leap day? Why is leap day? These are some of the answers to your burning questions leap day:

Every four years in the Gregorian calendar, add an extra day to the calendar in order to synchronize with the solar year. That extra day is February 29th or leap day.

Leap Day occurs every year that is divisible by four years and in the century that are evenly divided by 400. - Ex. 800, 1200, 2000 were leap years ... but 1700 and 1900 were not because they are not divisible by 400, although they are divisible by four.

In a leap year, the extra is added at the end of February day, giving 29 days instead of 28.

The extra day is called a leap day, or an intercalary day.

Earth takes a little less than 365 ¼ days (365,242 days) in orbit around the sun (solar year). For this reason, the whole day is added only once every four years. In the Julian calendar, there are still 11 minutes, 14 seconds discrepancy every year.

46 BC - The practice of adding the extra day begins with the creation of the Julian calendar and a decree by Julius Caesar. The Julian calendar creates an extra day every four years, and does not follow the rule century divisible by 400.

1582 AD - The discrepancy of 11 minutes in the Julian calendar adds up to ten days by this point. Pope Gregory XIII created the Gregorian calendar and drops ten days of October. It also sets February 29 the official date to add during a leap year, leap year term currencies, and make rules to add the leap year.

Currently the solar year is about 26 shorter than the Gregorian year seconds.

Within a century, the fourth year is the first leap year.

In the US, the leap year coincides with the presidential election years.

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