In 2008, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George W. Bush.
After a speech widely reported in the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast 2013, he became a popular figure in conservative political media for his views on social and political issues.
Known for his philanthropy, his foray into the world of neurosurgery and activities within the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Carson's candidate for the US presidency by the Republican Party.
Benjamin Solomon Carson was born in Detroit, Michigan, United States. His mother, Sonya Carson, left school in third grade. When she was thirteen she married Robert Solomon Carson, a Baptist minister from Tennessee. Ben's parents divorced when he was eight and Mrs. Carson took on the responsibility of supporting Benjamin and his older brother, Curtis. She worked at two (sometimes three) jobs at a time to support their children.
Carson said early difficulties in their primary, becoming the worst student in his class, becoming subject to insults from their peers and developing later an aggressive temperament and incontrolable.3 Determined to change the life of her son, the Ms. Carson Ben limited time spent watching television and refused to let him out to play until he had finished his homework every day. He demanded to read two books every week and give written reports on them, even though, because of their own lack of education, she could barely read reports that Ben wrote. Soon Ben surprised his classmates and teachers with new knowledge. "It was then that I realized I was not stupid," he recalled later. A year later, Ben Carson was the best student in his class.
After determining that wanted to be a psychiatrist, Carson graduated with honors from high school and attended Yale University, where he earned a degree in psychology. He then studied at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Michigan, where his interest shifted to neurosurgery. Excellent hand-eye coordination and reasoning skills made him an outstanding cirujano.2 After medical school he became the first black resident of neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. At age 32, he became chief resident in neurosurgery at the hospital.
medical career
Ben Carson.
In 1983, Carson was invited with his wife to Perth, Australia, where he became Chief Resident in Neurosurgery at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, one of the main centers of brain surgery oceanic country. Carson got great experience in a short time due to the shortage of specialists in its class.
In 1984, Carson returned to the United States, and the Johns Hopkins Hospital, where thirty-three years he was appointed Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery, being the youngest person to hold the position even today plays doctor. Ben Carson became known for agreeing to treat desperate cases or high risk and to combine their own surgical skills and knowledge of brain functioning, innovative tecnologías.4 Among them the first intra-uterine procedure will have to relieve pressure on the brain in a fetal hydrocephalus, 2 becoming the first doctor to operate on a fetus in útero.4 addition, Carson performed in 1985 a dangerous surgical procedure hemispherectomy, which involves removing half the brain. Since then, the operation has helped many patients lead a healthy life and normal.4 the late 1980s, Carson became known as an expert in one of the most difficult types of surgery: separation of Siamese twins.
Annually, Ben Carson takes around four surgeries 5 most of them high-risk. The following are some of the highlights of his career:
In September 1987, Carson made history being the chief surgeon team seventy people who successfully performed after 22 hours, the complex procedure to separate conjoined twins Germans, Patrick and Benjamin Binder, seven months old, they were united at the back of the head. Operations of this type had always failed, resulting in the death of one or both babies. However, the Binder brothers have survived and now lives completely independientes.2 4
In 1997, Carson and his team went to South Africa to separate Zambian baby boys, Luka and Joseph Banda. Both children survived, and none suffered brain damage. The Brothers Band were the first set of twins joined at the top of the head surgically separated successfully in history. The operation lasted 28 hours.
In 2003, Carson was a member of the surgical team that worked to separate conjoined Iranian sisters Ladan and Laleh Bijani, 29. Due to severe blood loss, both died during surgery. This was the first attempt to separate adult conjoined craneópago (joined at the head) in history.
Political career
Ben Carson in presidential campaign
Carson political campaign, February 2015.
After several rumors and assumptions, Carson announced his presidential candidacy on May 4, 2015 in Detroit. In late March 2015, Carson had his first victory in a national survey for the Republican camp 2016, when Fox News released a poll showing him tied for first place with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, with 13% each .6 a subsequent survey of his announced in May, pointing to Carson with 25% at the top in a survey by the Southern Republican Leadership Conference.
In early July, communications director Doug Watts reported that Ben Carson's campaign had raised $ 8.3 million during the second quarter of 2015, through donations 210,000 151,000 donantes.8 9 Later that same month, Des Moines Register reported that Carson had raised more money in Iowa than any other Republican candidate, and in the general field of presidential elections, democrat Hillary Clinton in Iowa raises over Carson.

Compete against several Republican and according to various surveys fellow medical surpassed magntate Donald Trump in Iowa.
Personal life
Ben Carson married Lacena "Candy" Rustin, whom he met at Yale in 1975. Candy holds an MBA degree and is an expert in music. Both are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church have three children. Murray, Benjamin Jr., and Rhoeyce.
In June 2002 he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer, but fortunately was discovered and removed in time. However, due to their encounter with death, Carson made some changes in your lifestyle, devoting more time to his family and no longer operates.
In 2014, Carson wrote to Barack Obama: "We must remove health care from the political arena and recognize that government proposals affecting the health of all citizens must be free market and should be so attractive that no You would need to force people into the program. "
Dr. Carson says not support abortion but supports the use of tissues abortions for medical research and he is the author of at least one medical research using such fabrics. In an interview on 23 August 2015 with CNN, Ben Carson to seek the GOP nomination, also he proposed the use of drones to prevent undocumented immigrants.
Carson funds Studies
In 1994, Ben and his wife established the Fund Carson Studies. The idea was to see that schools strongly recognize their academic achievement athletes but often went unnoticed. Carson wanted to encourage students to explore the fields of science and technology. Currently, the Fund for Studies Carson maintains two programs:
Carson Scholarships reward the poor students who express high levels of academic excellence and excel in serving their community with $ 1,000 scholarships at the university.
Carson Reading Project was established in 2000 and aims to encourage reading through the creation of cozy reading rooms in schools.
Awards and honors
Carson has received numerous honors and awards over the years, including more than 50 honorary doctorates. He was a member of prestigious organizations, including the American Academy of Achievement, the Association of Distinguished American Horatio Alger, Medical Honor Society Alpha Omega Alpha, the Yale Corporation, the World Society Transformers IWU and the President's Council on Bioethics.
In 2001, Dr. Carson was named by CNN and TIME Magazine as one of the top 20 doctors and scientists from the United States. That same year, he was selected by the Library of Congress, on the occasion of its 200th anniversary as one of the 89 "Living Legends" of the nation. He is also recipient of the Spingarn Medal 2006, the highest honor bestowed by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the country in 2008.
Ben Carson's books have become bestsellers, being translated into multiple languages. These incorporate the story of his life and his philosophy of success, which incorporates the hard work and faith in God.
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story (in Spanish: Miracle Hands), Zondervan Publishing Co., 2009.
Take The Risk (in Spanish: Risk Taking), Zondervan Publishing Co., 2008.
The Big Picture (in Spanish: Gran Panorama), Zondervan Publishing Co., 2000.
Think Big (in Spanish Think Big), Zondervan Publishing Co., 1996.
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story (in Spanish: Miracle Hands), Review & Herald Pub Assoc, 1990.
note from externa web .WIKIPEDIA
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