Kalamazoo is a city in Kalamazoo County in the US state of Michigan. In the 2010 census it had a population of 74,262 inhabitants and a population density of 1,141.61 persons per km².
Kalamazoo is located at coordinates 42 ° 16'31 "N 85 ° 35'19" O. According to the United States Census Bureau, Kalamazoo has a total area of 65.05 square kilometers, of which 63.93 km² is land and (1.72%) 1.12 km² is agua.
According to census of 2010.4 it had 74262 people living in Kalamazoo. The population density was 1,141.61 hab. Of the 74,262 inhabitants, Kalamazoo consisted of the 68.14% whites, 22.16% were African American, 0.52% were Native American, 1.72% were Asian, 0.04% were Pacific Islander, 2.79% from other races, and 4.62 % from two or more races. Total population of 6.38% were Hispanic or Latino of any race
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