Cognition Link gives you one more reason to eat chocolate

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Like coffee, chocolate has enjoyed some deliciously positive scientific attention in recent years. Studies have linked to heart health and brain health-and now, a new view that is linked to improved cognition in those who eat regularly. And this seems to be independent of other dietary habits, so that eating chocolate is connected with cognition, even if those diets are nothing so big.

The new study used data from the Longitudinal Study of Maine-Syracuse (MSLS), and included nearly 1,000 people, 23 to 98 years old, who were followed for up to 18 years. Respondents were asked how often they ate different foods such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, bread and other carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, nuts, chocolate (any variety of milk, dark or black), snacks and various drinks. They gave evidence worldwide of cognition.

It turned out that people who eat the most chocolate had higher scores on multiple tests of cognition: the overall composite, visual-spatial memory and the Organization, exploration and monitoring, similarities and Mini Mental State Examination. There was no link between chocolate and verbal memory, and the link to the working memory was weak. But even after controlling for a number of physiological variables (such as cholesterol, glucose levels and blood pressure) and diet patterns (such as the consumption of meat or alcohol), the results were significant remained significant.

So it seems, from this study, at least, as chocolate is linked to a number of aspects of cognition, no matter what a person eats something else, regardless of their cardiovascular health. These results are very encouraging for chocolate lovers among us. But they are not licensed to eat what you want, thinking about the chocolate will save your brain.

There are a few limitations of the study. One is that researchers do not know the dose-only if participants ate chocolate never once or more than once a week. Also, do not what kind of chocolate the participants ate, although it is safe to assume that, based on previous studies, most people were eating milk or black chocolate is known. But it would have to be done to determine the correct "dose" of things more research.

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