Dough. Teenager killed math teacher sentenced

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Philip Chism, a teenager from Massachusetts, who raped and killed his math teacher in 2013, was sentenced on Friday to life in prison with possibility of parole in 25 years a punishment the victim's mother called it "unacceptable."

Chism was 14 when he followed the 24-year-old Ritzer in a school bathroom, strangled her, stabbed her at least 16 times and raped her. His body was later found in a wooded area outside the school. Jurors rejected the defense Chism that he was suffering from a psychotic disorder at the time of slaughter. He was sentenced on December 15, 2015.

Judge David Lowy delivered the judgment after hearing the victim impact statements Ritzer loved ones. He called the killing "brutal and senseless."

"Colleen Ritzer lived a life of quiet heroism," Lowy said. "The waves breaking this tragedy will never fade."

parents, siblings, peers and friends lifelong Ritzer describes a young man who loved his work, his students and life and never had a bad word to say. Many of them wore pink, her favorite color.

Peggie Ritzer said her daughter's death had left her "very broken."

"Now I isolate myself from the people I love, because pretending to be happy is to be so difficult," he said.

She asked the judge to impose the maximum penalty. "He is pure evil, and evil can never be rehabilitated," he said.

Tom Ritzer said he felt he had failed his daughter.

"I did not protect Colleen. The job of a parent is to fix things. I would do anything I could if I could arrange this for Colleen."

Prosecutors had asked him to stay in jail for at least 50 years. Susan Oker defense attorney asked for a sentence that would be eligible for parole Chism no later than age 40. He cited scientific studies indicate the brain of a child is not fully developed.

Chism's mother, Diane, released a statement Friday expressing his condolences to the family of Ritzer.

"Words can not express how much pain and suffering these past 2 1/2 years have been," he said. "However, no one has suffered more than Ritzer family. My greatest esteem, respect and humble prayers are with them today as they continue their journey to heal."

At trial, the defense admitted Chism Ritzer killed, but said he was suffering from severe mental illness and is not criminally responsible for his actions. A psychiatrist who testified for the defense said Chism, who had just moved to Massachusetts in Clarksville, Tennessee, was hearing voices and in the midst of a psychotic episode when he killed Ritzer.

Schism was convicted of raping Ritzer inside the bathroom, but was acquitted of a second alleged violation. He was also convicted of armed robbery for stealing credit cards Ritzer and underwear.

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