John Oliver criticizes Trump, Donald alias 'Drumpf,' for 22 minutes brutal

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From Donald Trump declares his candidacy for president eight months ago, many have tried to destroy him and failed. Republican rivals, the Republican National Committee and the Huffington Post are just some examples of those who have swung and missed, trying everything possible to defeat a man who looks increasingly as the GOP candidate with each passing primary. And HBO John Oliver, who called the candidate "litigious lying in series, a" bulls- artist "and a" baby with evil, smaller fingers "on" Last week Tonight "Sunday, there may be oscillated and it was lost as well. But no one can say that Oliver did not give a very extended opportunity.

Over 22 minutes, Oliver relived many popular reviews Trump. The candidate has no clear political positions and exaggerates its net worth, Oliver claims; he uses his wealth to promote himself as a credible candidate, despite the wealth is not equal to political greatness; his campaign is not self-funded despite its claims; he is racist. However, Oliver, Trump can no longer be dismissed said.
"Donald Trump is the mole back America," Oliver said. "It may have seemed a harmless year ago, but now has gotten terribly large, it has become difficult to ignore."

Then Oliver offered a new strategy for those who want to fight Trump ". Evolved over the centuries" refer to the candidate "Drumpf," what a biographer said the name of the Trump family was before De Indeed, Gwenda Blair, author of "Trumps: Three generations who built an empire" (2000), thought it was "fortunate" that "Drumpf" had become "Trump".

" 'Trump' is a wonderful word, a wonderful name," she wrote. "A name Dickens would surely have given a prominent character but had only thought about it, 'Trump' evokes trump card, hand trump, trump suit. - All terms associated with winning Whether Donald Trump could have had the same success with any other name is an intriguing question. "

This is the same question Oliver now want to explore.

"The name Trump is the cornerstone of its brand," Oliver said. "If only there was a way to untie the magic word of man he really is."

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