What is Pi Day? 7 Data about 14 March You need to know

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Have you noticed a lot of puns and pies being served to this day, often in combination? Of course you have - which is National Pi Day, the first calendar day of the year that attracts both math nerds and geeks alike food. But if you woke up this morning assuming that today was just another Monday, and did not expect to be bombarded with jokes geometry at every step, you might well ask: what is Pi Day, and when it will be how top ? Chill out. Even if you do not mind a single ounce of irrational numbers, I'm willing to bet that you do not care about pie - so taking a portion, and then we'll talk about why this holiday is much more exciting what you think.

You do not have to be a math genius to figure out why the National Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th calendar day 3/14 The passing include the first three significant digits of Pi -., Or the ratio the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Overall, fans of both Pi and cake to take this opportunity to draw attention to the world of what they like best, either dessert or digits. Either way, the party is a fun opportunity for everyone to update their notes middle school geometry while trying to solve the most difficult question of all: apple, cherry or? Here are seven facts about the National Day of Pi did not know.

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