Top 5 Startups Job hiring 2016

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It's that time of year: Search for station work. So, what jobs start higher in 2016 are?
The US labor market is in a unique point of inflection.

Unemployment remains low in historical terms, however, the supply and demand remains stubbornly off balance.

job offers are near 10-year highs, however, candidates are struggling to find the right fit both culturally and professionally.

I recently spoke with Elise Voss, CEO and Co-founder of UpScored, a promotional platform based in New York that uses data science to help candidates find work personalized recommendations.

According to the company, there has been a paradigm shift in what people want from their careers. The need for greater accountability, faster career development and flexible working hours has become more important than ever.

Given the change in the candidate wants and needs, the level of interest in working for new companies has accelerated significantly in recent years.

UpScored recently took a deeper understanding of trends in the labor market analysis start. The team analyzed tens of thousands of data points through job descriptions in the top 200 startups, including Airbnb, Slack, and Snapchat to find top offers work in January.

They also analyzed both the required and preferred skills, work experience, and degrees through each category.

These are the top 5 most prevalent job and skills related to the world of home:

1. Software Engineer

While it is not surprising that software engineer made the top of the list, it is remarkable that the demand for technical talent in the beginning has not been slowed. You can guess the most desired coding language among the best 200 startups? Python entered at # 1 with 42% of the job descriptions of software engineering language ad. Javascript they were close second (38%) and Java (35%). As for grades, 20% of the software engineer openings either require or prefer a master's degree.

2. Account Manager

Salesforce continues to dominate the requirements for this role. An overwhelming 50% of descriptions Salesforce account manager appears as a skill. Needless to say that is worth a sales team in your resume if you have experience in the field. In addition, MBA requirements are a hot topic with Sheryl Sandberg have commented that "MBAs are not required on Facebook" in a recent interview. Only 7% of the roles of account manager prefer an MBA versus 25% of the papers of Business Development and Strategy, which entered the bottom of the list of major job offers UpScored.

3. The data and professional analysis

With the growth of new technologies, the amount of data to be analyzed has grown at an exorbitant rate. According to UpScored, science and data analysis is beginning to infiltrate every part of the organization - from sales and operations talent acquisition. As in the roles of Software Engineering, Python is a superior ability included in 53% of the job descriptions of data. SQL is still required for most functions, albeit with great technology increasingly frequent data, the skill set is evolving. On a different note, approximately 37% of these papers prefer a master's degree while 13% prefer a doctorate. With the proliferation of science Bootcamps data as mestizos and the Academy of Sciences of New York data, preference for teachers and doctors may decrease in the coming years.

4. Human Resources and Professional Talent Acquisition

The growing interest in people "analytics" is showing up in the numbers, and the importance attached to this role has certainly increased over the past year. What is interesting is that 49% of the openings analyzed in the study UpScored are looking for candidates with experience in "recruiting technology." In fact, most descriptions of the functions listed "technology" general supply (46%) and interviews (40%). Another trend to watch in social media recruiting is because about 15% of the descriptions of talent acquisition now require social communication skills.

5. Product Manager

Product Manager is an ambiguous title that may require a range of different skills depending on the company and the specific position. That said, the primary skills required for this role include product strategy, launch and development (in that order). Approximately 43% of product descriptions manager either require or prefer a bottom of the computer. In addition, experience with agile development methodologies software is preferred by 25% of the papers with Scrum and preferred in 7% and 3%, respectively Kanban.

Interested in a paper above, but lack the necessary skills? Luckily, there are a myriad of resources both online and offline for candidates. Companies such as General Assembly offer classroom courses for beginners and intermediates, while sites like Coursera, InfluenceTree and edx offer a wide range of online courses (Massive Open) of MOOC. Now that you know the data, there is no better time than the present.

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