Costume designer for 'Pretty In Pink' explains finally that prom dress

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You know that there will be a lot of attention paid to style with a title like "Pretty in Pink".

And while John Hughes and Howard Deutch 's 1986 film was not only fashion, iconic moments in history have helped along the look of each character. If the love story of teen outside Andie and rich boy Blane was what brought the spectators in the personal style of each character is part of what made the film is a good movie to a capsule of film time, good to excellent.

"Great," of course, is not a word that many would apply to the creation of lace and polka dot Andie - built from her friend dress Iona and a dress that had given his father - who made his debut just before addressed to the pinnacle of life all the silver screen high schooler: prom. If you have forgotten, let's refresh your memory.

"Oh, boy," said Marilyn Vance costume designer on the phone once I mentioned the interesting outcome. "Molly [Ringwald, who played Andie] hated that dress. She wanted to be like other girls, you know, with a strapless dress with a kind of long skirt."

Andie's character, however, would not have been able to afford a dress like most of the other girls in school - or would you really fits your personality.

Vance explained how he could have followed the trends of the time, like big shoulders, but chose not to. "I just go in the other direction," he said. "I do not want to go out with anything." Thirty years later, it is not hard to imagine the visual effects of "Pretty in Pink" fit in a neighborhood of Brooklyn or Portland, or the nostalgic feeling fresh current films as "drug." It is the timeless visuals that make you feel to see him again as a classic black dress instead of a story back home unfortunately useless.

"I will not say I was in love with her," Vance said, noting that the design was specifically for Andie, and was not meant to be a dress run-of-the-mill. "But that's not the character. The character was so original. She had a mind of his own, he went to a different beat."

"He said: '!. This is Molly I can not just give a party dress,'" he continued. "So, anyway, John [Hughes] came in and said:" It is the character. That is all. "There she was."

Deutch, director of the film recalls the revelation of the dress. "I think the study did not like it when they saw it," said Huffington Post Lauren Moraski. However, he had worked with Vance in previous projects and "always trusted her." As he explained, "It's not supposed to be a fashion designer thing. It is supposed to be something that she laid herself."

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