Russia suspends air strikes in parts of Syria as truce takes effect

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The Russian army has stopped airstrikes in areas of Syria as part of an agreement to end hostilities, state media reported today. But sporadic violence between militants and some rebel groups were reported across the country - although it appeared to have decreased significantly.

Russia has stopped attacks against armed groups included in the temporary truce, the Defense Ministry official, Sergei Rudskoi said.

Terrorist groups involved in the clashes, including ISIS and al Qaeda-linked al-Nusra front, are not part of the truce agreement.

Multiple shells hit Syrian capital Saturday, the government news agency reported.
The bombing came from the neighborhoods controlled by the rebels in the capital, a military source told the news agency.

The source said the mortar shells came from the neighborhoods of Jubar and Duma, and called on Syrians living in those neighborhoods by the rebels to help stop the bombing.

"We call on the residents of these neighborhoods to put pressure on these terrorists and do not give them the opportunity to spoil efforts to restore stability and security in the area," the military source told the news agency.

The Syrian Observatory based in London for Human Rights also reported incidents of violence, but said things are quieter in general.
He was said clashes between regime forces and rebels in Latakia, and other incidents of violence between government forces and ISIS fighters in Aleppo.

In Latakia 12 rebel fighters were killed in clashes with government forces, according to the observatory.

ISIS, rebels clash
ISIS fighters also clashed with other rebel groups in Aleppo and Homs, said the observatory.

E ISIS uses Twitter to claim responsibility for a suicide attack Saturday near the town of Salmiya, in the province of Hama.

The statement said the attack targeted the regime's forces gather in the suburbs of Hama.

However, initial indications showed the violence was reduced significantly - a relief for Syrians living in the rubble of the bombed cities.

The special UN envoy Staffan de Mistura said the reports indicate "suddenly both Daraa and Damascus had calmed down."

An unusual calm has descended in major cities of Syria, said Rami Abdulrahman, director of the SOHR. He realized they were not brief exceptions, including some unexplained explosions reported in the north.

But no one expects that peace settles over the nation during the night, De Mistura said.

If there are violations, he said, "the important point to see is that if these incidents will be brought quickly under control and content."
"Our best chance '
Another meeting of Syria group work will take place Saturday afternoon in Geneva to assess whether the ceasefire is being respected, De Mistura said.

The cessation of hostilities is considered by some as the most hopeful sign in years fighting in the nation, where conflict has killed at least 250,000 people, will decrease.
On Friday, the Security Council of the UN voted unanimously in favor of a resolution supporting the stopping of the fighting and calling on all parties to abide by the terms of the cessation.

A main Syrian opposition group, the Committee of High negotiations, said 97 of its factions agreed to respect the truce two weeks beginning with the cessation of hostilities. But he warned that the government and Russia did not point out that under the pretext of attacking terrorist groups like ISIS and al-Nusra Front.

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